

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Why Crochet?

January 1, 2013 is the day I decided I wanted to learn how to crochet. And so I did :) On my blog I'll be posting crochet tips, tutorials, and patterns. If you don't already knit or crochet, here are some of my reasons as to why you SHOULD!

1. Quick Startup - Learn one stitch and you are already set up to start making dishcloths, scarves, hats, and blankets. The kimono cardigan I posted above only took two different types of stitches, and really just involved making a large square!

2.  Portability - Crocheting is so easy to take on the go. You can find me crocheting at gymnastics practice, soccer practice, baseball games, and in the car (when I'm not driving lol). And why not? All you need is a ball of yarn and one hook. For most patterns it's easy to pick it up, crochet a row, and put it back down making it a great activity no matter what your time frame is.

3. Stress Minimizer - You may have heard recently, but studies have been done showing that crocheting minimizes your stress levels. The rhythmic motion helps to calm you, and take your mind off of what is bothering you.

4. Inexpensive Gifts - Using a basic yarn from the yarn store, you can make gifts for your friends and family for only a few bucks! Not only do you save money, but your recipient knows how much time and effort you put into their gift  - aww. :)

5. Sense of achievement - You are going to be proud of your work, even your first lopsided dishcloth that you create (I'll post mine later). Feeling a sense of achievement is great for your well-being.

6. Conversation Starter/Social Activity - Once a month at work I host a crafting party during the lunch hour, and about half of us crochet. There are also local crochet groups you can find through Facebook or Ravelry. You will probably find yourself connecting with people of all different ages and backgrounds. Though really, I am an introvert, so I also very much enjoy crocheting in solitude when I can.

7. Multitasking - Maybe not at first, but eventually you find that it is fairly easy to multitask while crocheting. Of course that depends on what kind of project you are working on, but this is one of the reasons that I will bring my crochet along with me rather than a book. I can watch my daughter at practice, or carry on a conversation with someone, while still being able to work on my project. Also, pretty much any time I have the tv on, I am crocheting at the same time. So I don't feel like I'm completely wasting my

8. Keeps your brain sharp - Crocheting can help prevent Alzheimer's Disease. And my memory needs all the help it can get! :)

9. Exercises your hands - Before I started crocheting, my hands were always cold. I feel like crocheting has improved my circulation in my hands which is a huge plus! Also, while I can't speak from experience, it is supposed to be good for people who have arthritis.

10. Creative outlet - You may not think of yourself as a creative person, and honestly I never did either. But once you are comfortable enough with your technique, you'll find yourself modifying patterns and even making some of your own.

Stay tuned for tutorials and patterns

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