

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Going On A Bug Hunt

It's finally starting to feel like summer outside! So I've been trying to think of some creative ways to get my daughter outside and enjoying the sunshine. I got this idea of creating a scavenger hunt for her to find various things in the outdoors, and I created my first one today. The theme of the one I am posting today is BUGS. This activity is great for such a wide range of ages.

Once you find an item, you could:
  • Simply check it off the list
  • Bring along your phone or camera so that the kids can take pictures when they find the items.
  • Bring a sketchbook and encourage them to draw a picture of each of the bugs that they find.
  • Check out a bug classification book from the library and bring it with you so you can try to identify the specific name of the bug.

Please let me know what you think of my list! More will be coming :)


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